The Evolution of Bedbugs: Do bedbugs have wings?

We are all aware of the vampire bug that lives under our bed; bed bugs. Bed bugs are most commonly found a bug in any household. These bugs aggravate many homeowners and trigger allergic responses. Bed bugs were extensively covered in our earlier articles, but in this one, the major topic will be whether bedbugs have wings.

Once we come upon a bug, our initial thought is if it bites, does it have wings, or is it poisonous? These concerns encourage us to surf the internet for further details about that specific bug. Most bugs do have wings, but whether they choose to utilize them is up to them.

When it comes to cockroaches, some species don’t utilize their wings; instead, they travel around on their legs. Numerous insect species travel through their legs; some leap, while others crawl. Let’s discuss whether the most annoying bed bugs have wings on them or not.

Bedbugs’ origin:

Over countless centuries, evolution frequently prioritizes the survival of the strongest. Bed bugs go back to ancient Egypt. According to certain research, the period was much longer.

Several kinds of “bat bugs” prey on bats in caves and resemble bed bugs. As humans and bats coexisted in caves thousands of years ago, scientists assume that bed bugs and their modern equivalents have a common ancestor.

Some of these bat bugs are said to have followed humans as they evolved and left the caves, evolving into advanced bed bugs.

Bedbugs’ body analysis

Compared to other insects, bed bugs are regarded to be tiny bugs. They have brownish bodies that are rather small, measuring 4 to 5 millimeters. So while seeing bed bugs with the unaided eye may be a bit challenging, it’s not impossible. Particularly adult bed bugs are highly visible and detectable in small crevices.

The appearance of adult bed bugs is reddish-brown, which might assist you in correctly identifying them. Their reddish-brown color might stand out and draw attention to them. The nymphs, however, are harder to locate since they are white and too little to be noticed.

They also have spherical heads, six slender, skinny legs, and tiny antennas on their head. Their bodies are flat and sometimes oval, which is another distinguishing feature.

Bedbugs have wings pad on them. Wing pads represent the areas where an insect’s wings typically form as it ages. Although mature bed bugs have wings, they are merely wing pads. Consequently, they never learn how to fly, and their wings never completely grow. It’s thought that bed bugs previously had wings, but they lost the ability to use them as they developed.

Despite having long slender legs, bed bugs cannot crawl across flat surfaces. However, they can crawl with the aid of their strong long legs, and as compared to other tiny pests, bedbugs move very quickly. They are capable of moving three to four feet each minute. Additionally, if they need to ascend or feed, their legs and claws can grasp uneven surfaces.

Do bedbugs have wings?

No, bed bugs do not have wings. However, there is additional information you should be aware of. Although bed bugs lack fully formed wings, they do have wing pads. Simply put, they don’t require wings. Thus they do not even grow any. Although they don’t have wings connected, they do have wing muscles in their body.

Bed bugs’ ancestors formerly had wings, but because they got in the way of the bugs’ attempts to conceal themselves in tight spaces, they continued to evolve until the wings eventually ceased developing.

Because bed bugs like to shelter in tight spaces, their wings make their bodies bigger and less flat, which is more of a problem than an advantage to the parasites. Remember that evolution took place many thousands of years ago.

How bedbugs survive without wings

Bed bugs don’t require wings for rapid travel or to reach somewhere tough since they spend most of their life hidden and only emerging to eat. They can survive quite well by crawling, which is how they travel.

Bed bugs can move swiftly to avoid harm or concealment because of their string six legs. Due to their preference for hiding until feeding time, bed bugs may be challenging to locate throughout the day. When bed bugs detect warm body heat or CO2 exhaled from a sleeping person, they know it’s time to eat, so rather than using their wings, they go closer to their prey using their legs.

Can bedbugs fly?

The answers to the queries “do bed bugs fly?” and “do bed bugs have wings?” are both “no.” Neither can bed bugs fly or jump. Therefore, if you’re trying to catch some bugs and see that they’re avoiding you by leaping, they probably don’t bed bugs.

Bed bugs don’t need to be able to fly since they can survive for a very long time without it. Having wings makes them more vulnerable because they take up more room and make them bigger. Additionally, remember that bed bugs prefer to hide and remain hidden; thus, the smaller the bodies, the better.

How do bedbugs lose their wings?

Plant sap would have likely been the primary food source for the first bed bugs. There are dozens of more species that resemble bed bugs. From certain species that began consuming animal flesh, bed bugs developed.

Only bats were the primary food source for the ancestors of bed bugs. They made their home in the bats’ caverns. Here, they had hosts they could depend on and protection from the elements. Bug consumption by bats was a problem. A bat would devour one of these bugs when it was discovered crawling or feeding. To be safer, they had to change.

They started hiding in the caves’ crevices to do this. They mastered flattening their bodies to do this. But their wings continued to obstruct the path. They probably got scratched off and damaged. However, since the bugs didn’t need to go anywhere, it didn’t matter.

Bugs without wings from birth gained an edge over time. They would be safe crawling inside since they could squeeze through smaller openings. These same bugs began feeding on human blood when humanity began inhabiting caves.

How do bedbugs travel?

Bed bugs use human beings and crawling to go about. They may grab your belongings or your bag and use you as a means of transportation. In actuality, bed bugs have never needed wings since they have always relied on other mechanisms for mobility.

Therefore, bed bugs might have entered your home on your clothing after visiting a hotel, taking public transportation, attending school, etc. Always be cautious wherever you are and where you leave your backpack since a bed bug infestation may start and grow swiftly. Bed bugs can enter your belongings secretly and without anybody realizing it.


Bed bugs resemble apple seeds and have flat bodies and spherical heads. Although a bed bug bite is not harmful, it can nevertheless be inconvenient, especially given how difficult bed bugs are to detect. Since they can squeeze into teeny-tiny gaps throughout the house and are great hiders, it is challenging to eradicate them on your own.

Although bed bugs lack wings, they do have wing pads. Years and years ago, their ancestors had wings, but they developed without them so that their bodies could fit into small spaces.

Finally, you now know the answer to the question, “Do bed bugs have wings?” In addition to not having wings, bed bugs cannot leap. In addition to being difficult, flying may also be feasible for them depending on other species.

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