
The 2,500 species of tiny, flightless insects commonly known by the term fleas live as external parasites of animals and birds. The blood of their victims is what fleas consume to survive. Fleas may pass through their hosts’ fur or feathers thanks to their “flattened” sideways or thin bodies, around 3 millimeters in length. They are often brown in appearance. Their rear legs are incredibly well suited for leaping, yet they lack wings. Their mouthparts are designed for piercing flesh and sucking blood, while their claws prevent them from being moved. They can leap 50 times higher as compared to their body length.
Flea removal may be a difficult and expensive process. Fleas attack both people and pets, unlike the majority of home pests. A hypersensitive animal will frequently need veterinary care due to the bites’ potential for severe itching and discomfort. Additionally, tapeworms and bacterial diseases can be spread by fleas.

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

It’s ok to hate some pests, no one likes pests around where they live. Here is a list of the top 10 insects we love to hate. You do not need to feel any guilt about it.

Should I Worry About the Orange and Black Beetles in My Garden

Should I Worry About the Orange and Black Beetles in My Garden

Orange is the new black! Here we are talking about beetles and not the television series. Even though we have always considered beetles to be black, they can come in a variety of colors.