About us

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This website insectinsider.com is dedicated to educating our readers on the identification of different pests that invade their houses. Our main goal is to demonstrate how to control pests and their bad effects, such as damage or unpleasant odors. We’ll walk you through our articles so you can get rid of these inconveniences. We provide professional services. Insectinsider.com is owned and managed by Entomologists and Ph.D. researchers. Since it is evident that chemical treatments are gradually producing bugs that are resistant to pesticides and insecticides, the techniques of bug control we offer include non-chemical/natural therapies, so feel free to use our remedies.

We offer alternative information and assistance with pest identification, so you’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with. We utilize integrated pest management (IPM), a method that manages pests with the least quantity of insecticides. Integrated pest management is a sensitive and environmentally beneficial method. There is zero risk involved in utilizing the IPM method. Our solutions don’t call for additional funding or turmoil. We offer free assistance.

Entomologists and scientists with years of experience are featured on our website. We first start off-site, acquire data on targeted pests, use our approaches, and then provide our clients with the results of our study. The articles we provide consist of years of hard work and experience. To conduct a study on these pests, our experts burn the midnight oil. We relish the opportunity to communicate to our readers our curiosity and admiration for the unique lifestyle of much-disparaged creatures.

What we offer

We are a nonprofit organization committed to defending the food and property of the general people from pests. This website serves as a comprehensive, trustworthy, and accurate resource for customers, the news, education, and pest control, professionals. Our website provides trustworthy information and resources on anything from common household pests to do-it-yourself pest control solutions to better satisfy the needs of our users in terms of pest management.

To compensate for our online community, we are naturalists and entomologists who like learning about and discussing their observations of bugs, spiders, and other related creatures.

Our mission

Our goal is to provide our readers with the most efficient pest control solutions while protecting the environment and their families. Through our free inspections and analyses, we can ascertain the degree of your infestation, which will enable us to develop the most efficient treatment plan. We make every attempt to keep the use of chemicals in your home to a minimum to provide you with the pest-free home you deserve without jeopardizing the health of your loved ones.


Serving the world since 2000. We are one of the top-rated exterminators among the several pest control businesses in the United States of America. Started with just two people, and now we are a team of more than 30 people working on a pest management business that assists you in permanently removing these obtrusive invaders. We provide professional pest trapping and management solutions for any type of client, whether residential, industrial, or commercial.

Why choose us?

Most websites only provide instructions on how to get rid of bugs. However, not all pests are harmful to humans or the environment; therefore, our website won’t be like others. In our articles, we’ll provide you with information on how to keep the bugs you want and eliminate the ones you don’t want. Additionally, we will let you know what harm and benefit they cause.

Your safety is our priority. Since we respect our readers, we strive to offer sincere, unbiased solutions. Our team adheres to two guiding principles: to give our readers accurate information and cost-effective solutions.

In addition to checking the quality of our content, we work collaboratively with knowledgeable specialists to deliver valuable information. To ensure we get it correctly, we follow a stringent editorial process and conduct several fact-checking methods. Even after a piece of material has been published, our editors monitor it closely and conduct frequent fact-checks to guarantee that it is still fair, reliable, and relevant. Additionally, you can always send us questions regarding any pest through email.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]