
Termites are tiny insects with separate caste systems, colonies, and a diet of rotting wood and other plant debris. There are 3,106 existing species of termites that have been described till now. Despite being frequently referred to as “white ants,” these insects are not ants and are not even remotely related to ants. Like ants, certain bees, and some wasps, termites are also classified as “workers” and “soldiers,” typically sterile. Termites consume cellulose and dead plant matter present in wood, leaf litter, or soil. Termites are significant detritivores, especially in subtropical and tropical areas, and their recycling of plant and wood debris has significant ecological significance. Termites are considered to be one of the most successful insect groups on Earth as they are found everywhere. With some termite queens surviving up to 30 to 50 years, termite queens have the longest-known longevity of any insect. Termites are the cause of many severe illnesses, like typhoid, diarrhea, and polio. However, Asthma and other respiratory problems are brought on by termites.

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

It’s ok to hate some pests, no one likes pests around where they live. Here is a list of the top 10 insects we love to hate. You do not need to feel any guilt about it.

How to Get Rid of Termite Safely and Prevent Infestation

How to Get Rid of Termite Safely and Prevent Infestation

What are Termites? Termites live in groups and are in the order Isoptera. They eat cellulose, which is the main building block of plant cell walls. Termites are very important to ecosystems because they break down dead and rotting plants and wood, which helps the cycling of nutrients. Here are some important facts and traits…

Identifying Carpenter Ant and Termite Droppings: A Guide for Homeowners

Identifying Carpenter Ant and Termite Droppings: A Guide for Homeowners

Termites and carpenter ants do more than just damage to homes. When they have an outbreak, they also leave behind frass, which is a mess of droppings and feces that look like sawdust or wood shavings. When insects infest your building or home, these also have bug waste or pieces of wood.

Termite Holes: Identification, Location, Classification and Treatment

Termite Holes: Identification, Location, Classification and Treatment

In this article, we will discuss the appearance of termite holes, their location, and different termite species. We will also discuss what damage termites cause, how to detect their presence, and treatment of termites. So let’s get started.