
Mosquitoes have three pairs of long, slender, hair-like legs, their body is thin and segmented. They have only a pair of wings, one pair of halters, and also extended mouthparts to suck blood. They are considered to be the most annoying creatures as they buzz near human ears. A mosquito bite creates a small bump on the skin. The saliva is transmitted to the host’s body which results in itchiness. Mosquitoes like other bugs play a significant role in transmitting diseases, they bite and can spread diseases including yellow fever, West Nile, dengue fever, and Malaria. The bites of mosquitoes cause the loss of numerous human and animals lives
.Mosquitoes are most active during summer when the air temperature is between 15 and 25 °C and they cannot survive when the temperature falls below 10°C.

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

Top 10 Insects We Love to Hate

It’s ok to hate some pests, no one likes pests around where they live. Here is a list of the top 10 insects we love to hate. You do not need to feel any guilt about it.