Sarah Smith

I'm a co-founder of this website. I have my BSc degree in Entomology from the University of Alberta (Canada) and my Master of Science in Entomology from McGill University, Canada. In 2005 I earned my Ph.D. in Entomology from The University of Adelaide, Australia. I currently reside in California and conduct bug studies. Most of my time is spent with spiders, bugs, and bees. Since I usually see ants wherever I go, I've always been intrigued about them as a child. I started studying entomology to learn more about them and eventually came to love it. I've always believed that people should exchange information; therefore, my friend Mathew and I set up this website for this purpose.
How to Identifying Tiny Green Bugs

How to Identifying Tiny Green Bugs

Since many different species of insects are small and green in color, the term “tiny green bugs” could apply to a wide range of insects. It is hard to pinpoint the precise kind of insect you are referring to without further information or a more detailed description.

Termite Holes: Identification, Location, Classification and Treatment

Termite Holes: Identification, Location, Classification and Treatment

In this article, we will discuss the appearance of termite holes, their location, and different termite species. We will also discuss what damage termites cause, how to detect their presence, and treatment of termites. So let’s get started.

A Complete Guide to Unveiling the Enthralling World of the Red House Spider

A Complete Guide to Unveiling the Enthralling World of the Red House Spider

Welcome to the fascinating world of arachnids, where the red house spider is only one example of how nature’s intricate details are revealed. We explore the amazing world of these eight-legged marvels in detail in this thorough guide, providing insights into their behavior, habitat, and ecological importance.

Cracking The Code On Bed Worms: Avoidance, Detection, And Safe Removal Techniques

Cracking The Code On Bed Worms: Avoidance, Detection, And Safe Removal Techniques

Bed worms are a home pest that often go unnoticed, silently interfering with our sleep and causing our living areas to become less hygienic. Even though they’re not as well-known as some of their rivals, bed worm awareness and management are essential for keeping your house tidy and cozy.

Mattress Worms: How To Identify & Remove Them

Mattress Worms: How To Identify & Remove Them

f you’ve ever been unlucky enough to discover mattress worms in your mattress, the proverb “Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite” truly does hit you differently. Tiny worms that are white, brown, or grayish in color could be the larvae of various insect species. Moths, fleas, and carpet beetles are a few examples of this.

Plaster Bagworm: Nature’s Cunning Camouflage Artist

Plaster Bagworm: Nature’s Cunning Camouflage Artist

The household casebearer, or plaster bagworm (Phereoeca uterella), is a small moth member of the Tineidae family. This species, widely distributed throughout the globe, is well-known for its unusual behavior and appearance as a larva.

Dangerous Spread Of Invasive Bugs Throughout The U.S

Dangerous Spread Of Invasive Bugs Throughout The U.S

Invasive bugs have caused havoc on ecosystems and agriculture in the United States, where their distribution has alarmingly increased in recent years.

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish And What They Are

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish And What They Are

Silverfish are small bugs that can get into your home, damage things, and make allergies worse. Before calling a professional pest control service, a person can try a number of natural and chemical ways to get rid of them.

Can Black People Get Lice? Understanding Lice Infestations Across Different Hair Types

Can Black People Get Lice? Understanding Lice Infestations Across Different Hair Types

Introduction At any point do you contemplate whether lice pervasions are normal among individuals with dark hair? Now is the ideal time to expose the fantasies and gain a more profound comprehension of lice comparable to various hair types. In this blog entry, we’ll resolve the inquiry Can black people get lice? and investigate the…

Bee Wings: The Remarkable Structures That Propel Nature’s Workers

Bee Wings: The Remarkable Structures That Propel Nature’s Workers

Ah, the humble bee symbolizes perseverance and nature’s delicate balance. Have you ever considered the marvel of their wings, the crucial yet often overlooked aspect of these tiny creatures?